
The Key

The key for this year is to realize you are enough. There is a book called The Underachiever's Manifesto that helps put in perspective the reality of the world and your place in it. It is a very short book, but it reminds us that the tallest blade of grass is the first to get cut, that everything you do when it comes to things like meetings and corporate interests won't matter in 100 years, and that we share about 50% of our genes with a banana. Stuff like that. Do what matters and focus on your well-being because as we look around things are quickly crumbling around many people trying to live their lives for someone else's interests. if you want to overachieve in something let it be in optimizing and automating to the maximum your freedoms and peace of mind. Best quote I ever heard: "Be selfish. Because you cannot take care of others unless you have taken care of yourself." #beless #doless #youareenough #liveforyourself💕


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